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The client lacked a dedicated Quality Assurance (QA) team, relying on two inexperienced testers to manage their complex financial data visualization portal. This resulted in:

  • Limited test coverage - Critical features and functionalities were potentially untested or released to production with limited testing, posing risks to data accuracy in the displayed graphs and platform stability for different scale of data


  • Inefficient testing practices - Without proper test case design and prioritization of testing based on the release milestones, testing efforts were likely scattered and time-consuming. Key functionalities of the application were often regressing and broken between different releases


  • Inadequate data validation  - The intricate data handling and visualization processes were not thoroughly tested with data extremely varying in type and values. This is the primary use case for the customers and hence, was raising concerns about data integrity and user experience.


Our team partnered with the client to:

  • Develop comprehensive test cases - We understood the fin-tech domain in a short span, though being new to us and got deeper understanding of end-to-end requirements. Our expertise in QA along with commitment to quickly learn made us to design and implement 1600 test cases covering all functionalities within a 2.5-month time frame

  • Prioritize testing efforts - We categorized the humongous number of test cases along with designing them based on its criticality to the application ranging from High to Low. Thus, establishing a smoke test suite for rapid execution with every build and a full regression suite for a complete end-to-end testing of a major release.


  • Focus on data integrity - Additional focus area which we undertook proactively was to meticulously test the data handling aspects of the platform which includes handling data from different sources and aggregating it for different time intervals. Our scenarios went deep to include positive, negative, and invalid data scenarios, to ensure accurate visualizations and data security.

  • Empower the existing team - We, in parallel, empowered and monitored the client's QA team to execute our designed test cases and provide them deep understanding of effective test case design principles, equipping them with the necessary skills for future testing endeavors.


  • Ensured Data Accuracy - We reported around 30 critical issues while we executed the test cases while tagging along with Client's QA team. Through rigorous data validation testing, we helped boosting up the integrity of the financial data displayed on the platform, fostering user trust and confidence.


  • Enhanced test coverage - Our comprehensive test suite reduced the risk of undetected issues, leading to coverage across all the functionalities of the platform clubbed with deeper test cases unearthing existing issues in the application. We reported more than 20 existing issues on the platform during our test design and execution.


  • Improved Efficiency - By establishing a categorized and prioritized testing approach, the client's team gained better control over their testing process by quickly identifying the required test coverage based on functionality and priority, saving valuable time and resources. Their sign-off time for build sanity validation reduced by 25% time.

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