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Test Automation

In today's fast-paced software development landscape, automation is the key to achieving efficiency, accuracy, and speed. We offer a comprehensive suite of test automation services to help you streamline your development processes and deliver flawless software products. Our expertise spans various facets of automation, ensuring your software meets the highest standards of quality

test automation strategy services

Test Automation Strategy

A successful automation initiative begins with a well-defined Test Automation strategy. We establish the scope, objectives, and metrics to measure the effectiveness of the automation effort and outline a clear roadmap based on ROI opportunities by automation.


Our QA automation experts offer a customised strategy by understanding your project goals, assess functional and non-functional automation feasibility of your application landscape, identify rightful automation tools and integration opportunity with your existing CI/CD tools

design and develop automation framework

Design Test Automation Framework

Our proficient SDETs build robust automation frameworks that is designed to align your project’s unique requirements and enables early defect detection, minimizes test cycles for cost savings, and aligns testing with the pace of development and delivery.


Our SDETs heavily emphasize on framework design to be modular, scalable, and maintainable, allowing for seamless integration with different testing tools and technologies.

functional automation for web and mobile applications

Functional Automation for Web and Mobile Platforms

Our comprehensive Automation services include functional automation solutions for both web and mobile platforms. We guarantee the seamless operation of applications across various browsers, browser versions, operating systems, and devices, including mobile.


Our concurrent testing on multiple devices guarantees flawless functionality across diverse configurations for your web and mobile applications.

REST API and GraphQL test automation

REST and GraphQL API Tests Automation

Revolutionize your API reliability and performance through our advanced test automation. From ensuring the seamless functionality of REST APIs to handling the dynamic query execution of GraphQL, our automation services cover a spectrum of testing scenarios.


Demonstrating an unwavering dedication to speed, precision, and data integrity, our automated REST and GraphGL API tests actively identify and promptly address potential issues.

Tools for test reporting and monitoring

Tools for Test Monitoring and Reporting

Our SDETs leverage a comprehensive suite of innovative tools and frameworks to orchestrate automated test monitoring and reporting that facilitates real-time visibility into test results.


Through our intuitive dashboard and well crafted email notifications with detailed categorization of automated test run results, acceptance criteria validation and details of auto cut tickets for failures; We ensure downstream teams consume only healthy builds and prevent the deployment of unstable or buggy software.

integration of test tools and automation with CI/CD pipeline

Integration of Test Tools and Automation with CI/CD Pipelines

Our team of experienced SDETs seamlessly integrate automation tools and frameworks into your CI/CD pipeline, ensuring that every code change is rigorously tested before deployment thus delivering high-quality products at an accelerated pace.


Our comprehensive CI/CD integration services encompass tool selection, script development, pipeline configuration, and continuous monitoring

Want to release to market earlier without compromising Quality?

Avoid detours because of longer test execution cycles. Partner with us to understand how to effectively automate and launch your applications on time with high quality bar.


"Building Test Automation suites where code directs quality while precision guides the journey to confidence and faster delivery"

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